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Friday, September 21, 2018

Today Counts!

So teach us to number our days,

That we may gain a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12 NKJV
As of late, I have awakened with a new keenness to life and a grateful heart for another day to live. No I have not had a near-death experience but rather a realization that when I went to bed I had no grantee of a tomorrow.  Thus Psalm 90:12 has taken on a deeper meaning. 

"Numbering our days" could mean -- make them count!  Looking over the past, I can regretfully say that I have a number of days that were wasted with needless worry, idleness, resentfulness, anger -- and the list goes on-and-on! Perhaps you too can relate the same? 

So each day I awake with a grateful heart and determination to make this day -- Today -- count!