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Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Influential Christian*

Each new day the influential Christian renews his or her quest to discover Jesus anew. The fruit bearing believer looks to the scriptures and connects with His or Her Lord in prayer.  He or she restarts his or her walk – a walk to follow Jesus. The path leads the child of God to become like his or her Lord. The goal is clear. The Christian that desires to make a difference wishes to be like Jesus. The influential Christians know it is only when they become like Jesus that the producing of much fruit is possible.

Herein is the key to being an effective servant for Christ. It is not found in the doing but rather in the being. The early Christians became effective because those around them could see Jesus in them. 

Be careful not to let the good things you are doing rob you of the time you need to spend with Jesus in the word and in prayer; because it is that time with Jesus in the word and in prayer that makes you like Jesus. 

…And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.  -Acts 11:26  

(The reader will find further enforcement to Today’s Wisdom Tidbit in these scriptures:  Luke 10:38-42;  Acts 6:1-4;)

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