Many people do not understand the difference between a mistake and a choice. Andy Andrews in this book The Noticer give us a great example.
“If you are lost, wandering through a forest in the dark, unable to see, unaware that a cliff is nearby, and you stumble off the cliff and break your neck, that is a mistake.Wrong doing by choice demands you "Bring forth therefore fruits worthy of repentance." You do so by making right choices and by accepting personal responsibility for the wrong.
But let’s say it’s broad daylight. You are meandering about in a forest you’ve been told never to enter. There are No Trespassing signs everywhere, but you think you can slip in and slip out and not get caught. Now, again let’s say you fall off a cliff and break your neck…that, my friend, was not a mistake. It was a conscious choice.” (Pg. 117-118)